Tuesday, June 23, 2009

8 things

My sister in law tagged me on this little blogging game so I thought I would continue the fun.....

8 Things

8 Things I look forward to...
1. Moving into my house
2. Seeing my Sister, Ryan, and Finn
3. Sunny weather
4. Watching Sierra grow and learn new things
5. Decorating my house
6. The day when I don't have to work or only have to work part time
7. Finding Mr. Right :)
8. Taking vacations with Sierra

8 Things I did yesterday
1. Worked
2. Played with Sierra
3. Fed Sierra rice cereal
4. Went a whole day with no soda!
5. Folded Laundry
6. Read about 2 pages of my book
7. Made lists of what I need to do before I move
8. Went to bed so happy that in a week my sister and Finn will be here

8 Things I wish I could do
1. Be a stay at home mommy
2. Buy Sierra whatever she wanted
3. Make time stand still
4. Have more time to do my crafts
5. Stay in my P.J.'s all day for at least just one day
6. Decorate cakes ( I am already looking at ideas for Sierra but I know I will never be able to do what I want...maybe Aunt Jennifer will be here for her birthday :))
7. Play with Sierra all day every day
8. Be able to visit my Sister at least once a year

8 Shows I watch
I actually do not watch T.V. so there are no shows I watch. Here are the shows I used to watch BS (Before Sierra)....

1. Greys Anatomy
2. A baby story
3. Everybody loves Raymond
4. John and Kate Plus Eight
5. Little People Big World
6. Wipe Out
7. What not to wear
8. Extreme Home makeover

1 comment:

Jennifer Johnson said...

2We'll be there for her birthday! Just let me know what you want for her cake! :)