Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So excited....

I haven't wanted to post anything until it was a for sure thing because I didn't want to jinx anything but...........I BOUGHT MY FIRST HOUSE! I get my keys tomorrow morning. I am so excited and can't wait to get in and start decorating. First though, we have lots of painting to do. The kitchen and bathroom are PINK....and I mean completely pink. The bathroom will have to stay that way for a while because we are talking everything is pink, bath tub, toilet, sink and counter tops. However the kitchen can all be painted. Its going to be so much fun, I can't wait. Keep checking for updated pictures as the work begins.


Amber said...

Congrats Jana! Looks like things are looking up for you and little sweet Sierra!! Where's the house? How exciting! You'll have a blast picking out all your paint and stuff! Good luck with the move!

mom2maya said...

Jana it's so cute! I looked it up and the backyard will be so fun for you two! See Saturday : )

Jennifer Johnson said...

I'm bringing my work/painting clothes!!! It is the cutest house, can't wait to see the inside!